Phoonthawee Saetear
Assistant Professor Dr.
Contact Address
- Department / School: Chemistry
- Room: C208
- Phone: 02-201-5122
- E-Mail:
- Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry), Mahidol University, Thailand
- Refractive index-based detection for (bio)analytical chemistry
- Method development for chemical analysis using liquid flow-based systems
- Size characterization of non-UV absorbing compounds using Taylor Dispersion Analysis with BSI
Research Interest
- Our research interests are involved in the method devlopement for chemical and biochemical analysis. Liquid flow-based scheme is employed in several format such as tubular and paper-based analytical systems. Various detecion modes are incorperated to the flow-based formats to serve the physical responses of the analyte of interest. Our research also focuses on the size measurement of nanomaterials (i.e. nanoparticles, protien and polymers etc.) based on Taylor dispersion analysis. The developed method are designed suitable in a broad range of applications for bio- and chemical analysis